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Cisco Devices

Explore our extensive collection of advanced devices, meticulously crafted to empower your communication needs. From state-of-the-art headsets to intelligent cameras and versatile IP handsets, our range of devices is engineered to deliver exceptional performance and elevate your collaboration to new heights.

Empower your large enterprise with our robust phone system, offering scalable and reliable communication capabilities to support your organization's growth and productivity needs

Enhance your medium-sized business with our advanced phone system, delivering seamless communication solutions to optimize collaboration and drive efficiency.

Upgrade your small business communication with our powerful and scalable phone system designed to streamline operations and boost productivity.

Large Business

Phone System

Medium Business

Phone System

Small Business

Phone System

Large Business Phone System
Medium Business Phone System
Small Business Phone System
Business Phone Systems

Explore our extensive collection of advanced devices, meticulously crafted to empower your communication needs. From state-of-the-art headsets to intelligent cameras and versatile IP handsets, our range of devices is engineered to deliver exceptional performance and elevate your collaboration to new heights.


Enhance your medium-sized business with our advanced phone system, delivering seamless communication solutions to optimize collaboration and drive efficiency.

Upgrade your small business communication with our powerful and scalable phone system designed to streamline operations and boost productivity.

NBN Connect Solutions

Fibre Connect Solution

NBN Connection Solutions
Fibre Connection Solution
Cisco Webex

Discover the Hybrid Working  and revolutionise the way you work with Telex. Embrace the flexibility of remote and in-office collaboration to achieve optimal productivity and create a seamless work-life integration.

Discover our Video Conference Series and transform the way you collaborate and communicate remotely.

Explore our Headset Series and elevate your audio experience to new heights.

Discover our IP Handsets Series and revolutionize your communication experience.

Video Conference Series

Headset Series

IP Handsets Series

Video Conference
Wireless Headsets
IP Handsets
Business Phone System

Transform your business communication with our comprehensive range of Business Phone System Solutions, offering advanced features, scalability, and reliable connectivity to empower your team and enhance customer interactions.

Cisco Webex Meetings is a powerful and user-friendly video conferencing solution that allows teams to connect, collaborate, and conduct virtual meetings with ease.

Cisco Webex Messaging is a secure and versatile messaging platform that enables teams to collaborate effectively through instant messaging, file sharing, and persistent chat rooms.

Cisco Webex Calling is a reliable and feature-rich cloud-based phone system that empowers businesses with seamless communication and collaboration capabilities.

Cisco Webex Meeting

Cisco Webex Messaging

Cisco Webex Calling

Cisco Webex Meeting
Cisco Webex Messaging
Cisco Webex Calling

Connect with a an Expert Today

If you have any inquiries about our business phone system, unified communications, or business-grade internet solutions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team at Telex Australia is always ready to assist you and provide professional advice tailored to your specific needs.

Contact Us

A Comprehensive Guide to Optimal Small Business Phone Systems

In today’s digital landscape, effective communication is a non-negotiable factor for business success, and for small businesses, a dependable phone system is not just a convenience but an absolute necessity. Serving as the backbone for client relations, internal communication, and overall business operations, the process of establishing the perfect small business phone system is more nuanced than it may initially appear.

In the eagerness to kickstart operations, businesses often encounter pitfalls that can be easily avoided with thoughtful planning. This guide delves into common mistakes associated with phone systems and provides detailed solutions to navigate these challenges.

Properly Assessing Business Needs

The Challenge: Many businesses hastily invest in state-of-the-art small business phone systems without a clear understanding of their actual requirements. This can lead to complications, either due to excessive intricacies or a lack of essential features.

Avoidance Strategies:

  • Deep Dive into Daily Operations: Observe communication patterns within your business before making decisions. Analyze call volumes, peak times, and the need for specific features.

  • Consultation: Seek expert advice from phone system providers to identify optimal solutions.

  • Comprehensive Training Sessions: Schedule thorough training sessions for users during system implementation, offering hands-on practice.

  • Regular Refresher Courses: Conduct ongoing training sessions to keep users updated on technology changes.

  • Feedback Loops: Encourage employees to provide system feedback for continuous improvement.

Cisco Webex | Small Business Phone System

Embracing Scalability for Small Business Phone Systems

The Challenge: In the excitement of business growth, scalability is often overlooked. A system that cannot grow with the expanding team leads to unnecessary upgrades and potential overhauls.

Avoidance Strategies:

  • Future-Proofing: Envision business growth 5-10 years ahead and choose a system accommodating that vision.

  • Cloud-Based Solutions: Opt for flexible cloud-based phone systems that allow seamless additions and integrations.

Prioritising Cybersecurity

The Challenge: In an era of rising cyber threats, small business phone systems become prime targets for hackers, risking sensitive data exposure.

Avoidance Strategies:

  • Regular Updates: Ensure software and firmware are always up-to-date to address vulnerabilities.

  • Employee Training: Conduct regular sessions to educate the team on potential threats and preventive measures.

Cisco Webex | Small Business Phone System

Ensuring Optimal Functionality

The Challenge: Like any technology, small business phone systems require regular care to prevent issues like poor call quality and downtimes.

Avoidance Strategies:

  • Scheduled Check-Ups: Regularly inspect and rectify issues before they escalate, similar to car servicing.

  • Maintenance Contracts: Consider provider maintenance packages for peace of mind and potential cost savings.

Modernising Communication

The Challenge: Many small businesses miss out on the advantages of VoIP due to lack of awareness or hesitancy to change.

Avoidance Strategies:

  • Embrace Modern Technology: Understand that VoIP is the present and future of business communication.

  • Evaluate Cost Savings: Despite initial investments, VoIP offers substantial long-term savings with enhanced features.

  • Prioritise Flexibility: Leverage VoIP's adaptability for constant connectivity and improved employee morale.

Cisco Webex | Small Business Phone System

Staff Training Importance

The Challenge: A phone system is only as effective as the people using it. Inadequate training leads to frustration and potential misuse.

Avoidance Strategies:

  • Ongoing Training: Evolve training programs with technology changes to keep the team updated.

  • Provide Resources: Equip the team with user manuals, online tutorials, and help desks for effective troubleshooting.

Maximising Features

The Challenge: In a data-driven business landscape, overlooking call recording capabilities is a missed opportunity for quality assurance and compliance.

Avoidance Strategies:

  • Leverage Transcription Services: Convert recorded calls into text for easier analysis.

  • Invest in Analytic Tools: Utilize software solutions for detailed analytics on recorded calls.

  • Regular Reviews: Allocate time for regular reviews, involving diverse team perspectives for comprehensive insights.

Cisco Webex | Small Business Phone System

A Priority for New Businesses

The Challenge: Initiating a business without considering internet connectivity is unthinkable, as it serves as the backbone of modern operations.

How to Prioritise Connectivity:

  • Assess Your Needs: Evaluate specific bandwidth and speed requirements based on your business needs.

  • Invest in Quality: Prioritise reliability and speed for a long-term investment.

  • Backup Solutions: Ensure continuous connectivity with a secondary connection or a business-grade mobile data plan.

Navigating the Future of Business Communications

In conclusion, setting up the perfect phone system involves navigating potential pitfalls, which can be easily managed with the right knowledge and approach. Understanding common mistakes and implementing solutions positions your business for efficient communication, supporting both current needs and future visions.

In the ever-evolving business communication landscape, staying ahead is crucial. A well-chosen phone system can be the catalyst for enhanced collaboration, security, and efficiency. Remember, each business is unique, and finding a tailored solution is essential.

Ready to enhance your communication strategy? Discover a new business phone system from experts who understand your needs. Get a Free Quote Now with Telex – your trusted business phone service experts."

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